Welcome to episode 79 of The Breathing Deeply Yoga Therapy and Meditation podcast.
In today’s episode, Breathing Deeply Lead teachers discusses duality and non-duality in the yoga tradition. Learn the conceptual difference between non-duality and duality in yoga philosophy and how to can be applied to guide our practice and meditators and meditation teachers.
This was a clip taken from our Meditation Mentor Certification Program.
Our next training begins soon, join the waitlist: https://bit.ly/3YqrqAh
Om Shanthi, Om Peace
This episode covers the following questions:
- The opposition of duality and non-duality
- The goal of meditation from a dualistic perspective
- Duality and the Yoga Sutras
- Non-duality and the Spandakarika
- How duality and non-duality work together
- Orientation of reality through the Tao
- Stanzas from the Tao Ti Ching
- Contemplating duality vs non-duality as part of our practice
Breathing Deeply is a Yoga Therapy and Meditation School, founded by lead teacher Brand Passalacqua in 2014. We hold online and in-person Yoga Therapy Foundations and IAYT accredited Advanced Programs and retreats along with Meditation Programs, including online meditation teacher training and certification and holistic weight loss with Being At Peace with Food.
Breathing Deeply is made up of an active and thriving community of yogis, caregivers, therapists, teachers, medical professionals, parents & children with the same intention—to serve others, lessen suffering, and co-create a new paradigm in wellness.