About Breathing Deeply Yoga Therapy
The Breathing Deeply Yoga Therapy Program is designed to certify you to work with individuals within the yoga therapy model. Upon completion you will have the information and skills to work one-on-one with people for a wide range of conditions. The course will give you tools to work with the 5 koshas and apply this information in a therapeutic setting. The course is structured to be completed in about one year. It is also designed for the student to move through at a slower pace, completing when ready. The unique blended online and retreat format allows for schedule flexibility so that people with a variety of life situations can participate. Admission is rolling and you may begin the course at any time.
What Will Be Covered
The main part of this course will be delivered in 52 lectures online. These classes will be available for you online 24/7, allowing you to take them when it’s most convenient. Each class will include homework to help you integrate and fully understand the information. There is also a community forum for all trainees to ask questions that arise at anytime.
You will also receive a weekly, live online, group Q & A with Brandt to delve deeper into material and questions.
Each class lecture, the community forum, our private FB group, as well as the live sessions will be available to you at any point along the way, so even after you’ve completed the course, you may ask questions, re-watch lectures and interact with other students (and Yoga Therapists!) both online and at our annual retreat for graduates.
This course is based on years of knowledge and experience as a practicing Yoga Therapist. You will be taught through a Koshic “lens”. The koshas are how yoga views the human experience. By the end and completion of this program, you will be able to assess any client and teach them techniques for self healing.
You will have a clear grasp of how human anatomy works and be able to apply it in a real world setting. This course is designed for actual application and the teachings come from actual cases. The goal of Breathing Deeply Yoga Therapy is to train people to be clear on how to work with any condition from lower back pain to arthritis, depression to spiritual connection, in a focused way that has full integrity.
Weekend Retreats
There are 3 weekend retreats as part of the course. These retreats will be held just above New York City in Garrison, NY at the Garrison Institute (www.garrisoninstitute.org) and are offered 3 times per year. To complete the course you must attend 3 weekend retreats, although they do not need to be in the same year. This allows for students to move through the program at their own pace. Retreats are a chance to work on Sadhna and skill building for topics that are more difficult to transmit online.
(Note: The weekends are billed separately from the course and the fee will vary depending on the accommodations you choose.Generally the cost should be between $400-$600 per weekend including all meals.)
Completing The Program
You may complete this course at any time. There are 4 requirements to certification
1) Completion of all 52 online lectures and homework
2) Attendance of 3 weekend retreats
3) Completion of 2 papers outlining case studies
4) Oral exam by teacher
This course is open to all yoga teachers at a 200 hour level or equivalent from any tradition. Others will be considered case by case.