Our Vision & Mission

Our Community
If you are seeking teachings grounded in yoga traditions combined with an emphasis on practical applications of yoga therapy, you may have just arrived home. Our Yoga Therapists are trained to deepen their own practice/sadhana so they may become a guiding force in helping others heal. We are a community of yogis, caregivers, therapists, teachers, medical professionals, parents & children with the same intention/sankalpa—to serve others, lessen suffering, and co-create a new paradigm in wellness.

Our Philosophical Foundations
Breathing Deeply believes that all maladies can be viewed through the koshic system. When this is informed and integrated with Ayurvedic concepts, Yoga Therapists have a very robust model to work with. Breathing Deeply Yoga Therapy trains our students in this approach to become confident in working with a wide array of conditions, and have the ability to integrate other approaches and information in an organized way. We believe that having a clear starting place for working with each client, and the ability to integrate new knowledge base in a growing field are essential skills for any Yoga Therapist.
Our work is informed by the teachings of Mukunda Stiles. He taught Structural Yoga Therapy and Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy with an emphasis on looking at suffering through the lens of the koshas. We have expanded on his model, integrating techniques and ideas from other traditions such as the teachings of Desikachar, Integral Yoga, and other traditions that Brandt’s work as a Yoga Therapist has drawn from. In this way, Breathing Deeply Yoga Therapy is influenced by various teachers while staying true to the koshic/doshic model that Mukunda passed on to Brandt. The teachings offered in the Breathing Deeply Yoga Therapy Program are vetted through extensive experience with clients in a western setting. Overall, we seek to provide students with a real-world, practical approach that helps people relieve suffering while remaining grounded in yoga therapy tradition.
Want to Learn More? Check Out Our Information Session
Brandt talks about common questions applicants have about the Breathing Deeply Yoga Therapy Program. Tune in to get the full program details.
Next Class Starts on February 11
Find out more now and begin your training. Then link up with your class cohort for discussion and community building. Get a jump start by applying today!
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