We are aware of how this time is challenging for many of us and wish you stability and health through it all. Breathing Deeply has come together with the collective intention to ground ourselves as a community and continue to grow our capacity to share yoga with those that are suffering, especially now.
We are open and offering our programs in a fully online format. As an established school—offering online programs for over a decade—we are committed to helping our students heal themselves in service of helping others through ethical and effective yoga therapy.
All of our residential retreats held in New York have been seamlessly moved online until further notice.
Click here to learn more about our online yoga therapy programs.
Hear what our students are saying about our online training:
“Brandt does such an awesome job at presenting material on a difficult topic like trauma and addiction that doesn’t get us lost in the narratives but grounds us in the ways we can view complex issues like trauma and addiction from a doshic and koshic lense. I really appreciated how he made space for us to experience the practices we’d be using on others, then delve into the education behind it, before having us practice with case examples. Despite this being online, there was so much room for discussion and questions. It felt like we were truly all sharing space.” —Alexandra Sandoval
“Even though the retreat was not in person, there was still a feeling of connection with those running the retreat and those participating. The material was provided in a timely manner, was easily accessible, and was taught in a clear and concise way. I appreciate the opportunity to connect and learn with other students during group work. Lastly, there was a nice balance between experiential learning and lecture.” —Robyn Moreau
“Breathing Deeply cares. They care about what you learn and how you learn it. They care about our potential clients by making sure we not only graduate with knowledge but also ongoing support.” —Michelle Cormack
“This virtual retreat was excellent. I felt the connection to the community and the teachings at a time when it was very needed. I am always amazed at the clarity I feel in understanding the methods of the practices after hearing the breakdown of why they work and in what ways. I had a conversation with Brandt right before I signed up for the program in which I told him what I needed. I explained I had been in the yoga world for a long time already but was still not clear on why things worked and on how to categorize the practices in ways that made them useful to unique individuals. He told me this program would provide just that. And it is absolutely true. In this online module 4, I went from loving nidra but being hazy on the differences in styles and why and how it worked to feeling like I have a firm grasp on all of the above. And loving it even more. I received a clear pathway to working with someone dealing with addiction and /or trauma. The methodology of looking at everything through the lenses of koshas and doshas continues to make deeper sense to me with every module and this was no exception. My own practice continues to benefit greatly from the program and my confidence in working professionally in the field is growing immensely.” —Sara Bowman
“I greatly appreciate the opportunity to learn without having to travel while still engaging in the content with other learners in a supportive and open environment.”—Jamie Alascia
“I truly appreciate the option to learn from home while still being able to really connect with Brandt, Anna and the Breathing Deeply community. I learned so much during this retreat and am surprised at how deeply the information sunk in even though we were not together in person.” —Trisha Brabender
“The remote retreat was in my experience still engaging and impactful to my learning. I appreciate the convenience and practicality of a remote retreat because attending was possible minus the financial burden that a retreat would subject me to.” —Laura Dibiagio
“This online retreat was amazing. The clarity, wisdom, and accessibility of Brandt’s teaching is empowering and inspiring. Thank you!” —Laurie Schaeffer
“Remote retreat is organized well and there were no technical glitches.”—Patricia Kulawiak
“Grateful for the remote retreat options along with the online course, and to always have the information at my fingertips. A great learning experience.” —Julie Hunt-Juneau
“Thank you so much…I loved the retreat and look forward to the next remote retreat! I really am loving this program! I am so thankful that I am able to take a program of this caliber online! Thank you again!” —Nicole Juhl
“This retreat was well run and easy to follow…. will just require practice and time to absorb and put the material into work. It was filled with useful yet accessible information – and even though it was online it was very interactive and a great learning environment.” —Lauren Albarella
“I just wanted to say, and I’m sure you get this all of the time, that I am really enjoying the program. Having been in the studio business, I know the extreme amount of time, effort, and knowledge it takes to put together a program of this magnitude and make it absolutely seamless. You have my deepest respect and admiration for all of your hard work. The model is clean, packed with information, and really relatable. What is most amazing to me, is that in this short amount of time, I already feel very connected to this community and to the material. Really, really amazing work!” — Amanda Lohman Yeu
We look forward to seeing you soon. Loka Samasta Sukino Bavantu.
Are you ready to be a change-maker in this emerging field of yoga therapy? Apply now and start your journey on a new and exciting career path.
Brandt talks about common questions applicants have about the Breathing Deeply Yoga Therapy Program. Tune in to get the full program details.
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Copyright © 2025 Breathing Deeply
The Breathing Deeply Advanced Yoga Therapy Program is accredited by the International Association of Yoga Therapists.
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