Welcome to episode 59 of The Breathing Deeply Yoga Therapy and Meditation podcast.
Working with the pranic body through therapeutic pranayama can often have really amazing results for yoga therapy clients. Whether is it yoga therapy for mental health or yoga therapy for chronic pain or any other imbalance in the doshas.
In this episode, learn about the different doshic imbalances that can be addressed through pranayama as well as the art of balancing the doshas.
We also cover 2 case studies for the successful treatment of health conditions using pranayama therapeutically.
Our next Yoga Therapy class starts on June 30th. Find out more information here: https://bit.ly/3lxc0KK
Om Shanthi, Om Peace
This episode covers:
- Why pranayama is so powerful
- Vata imbalances
- Pitta Imbalances
- Kapha Imbalances
- The art of balancing the doshas
- Pranayama for physical conditions
- Therapeutic pranayama case studies
Breathing Deeply is a Yoga Therapy and Meditation School, founded by lead teacher Brand Passalacqua in 2014. We hold online and in-person Yoga Therapy Foundations and IAYT accredited Advanced Programs and retreats along with Meditation Programs, including online meditation teacher training and certification and holistic weight loss with Being At Peace with Food.
Breathing Deeply is made up of an active and thriving community of yogis, caregivers, therapists, teachers, medical professionals, parents & children with the same intention—to serve others, lessen suffering, and co-create a new paradigm in wellness.