Welcome to episode 43 of The Breathing Deeply Yoga Therapy and Meditation podcast.
In today’s Q&A, Breathing Deeply founder and lead teacher, Brandt Passalacqua, sits down with his students to ask their yoga therapy questions. The floor is open for all kinds of questions! They can relate to their personal practice, the yoga therapy foundations program, their course practicum, clients and more.
In this Q&A Brandt offers advice for overcoming anxiety after practicing a specific meditation designed to help release Samskaras, using yoga therapy workshops as a marketing strategy and dealing with imposter syndrome. Brandt finishes up the Q&A with a discussion on enlightenment from the Yoga Sutras and why there isn’t that much neuroscience in the Breathing Deeply Yoga Therapy curriculum.
This episode has been taken from a live Q&A session with Brandt and his yoga therapy students.
We hope you enjoy this Q&A. Let us know in the comments any key takeaways you had and share it with someone you think it may benefit!
If you’re interested in our meditation course mentioned during the Q&A and learning more about the Samskara Release Meditation, start your 30-day free trial here: https://breathingdeeply.com/courses/meditation/
Om Shanthi, Om Peace
This episode covers:
- Advice for overcoming anxiety with the Samskara Release Meditation
- Marketing strategy tips for running mental health yoga therapy workshops
- Advice for dealing with imposter syndrome as a yoga therapist
- Is a habit change workshop a good idea?
- The yoga sutras on enlightenment
- Why isn’t there more neuroscience in the yoga therapy course?
Breathing Deeply is a Yoga Therapy and Meditation School, founded by lead teacher Brand Passalacqua in 2014. We hold online and in-person Yoga Therapy Foundations and IAYT accredited Advanced Programs and retreats along with Meditation Programs, including online meditation teacher training and certification and holistic weight loss with Being At Peace with Food.
Breathing Deeply is made up of an active and thriving community of yogis, caregivers, therapists, teachers, medical professionals, parents & children with the same intention—to serve others, lessen suffering, and co-create a new paradigm in wellness.