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Breathing Deeply Retreat Policies & Guidelines

Retreat environments are unique in that they offer an opportunity for participants to delve deeper into their individual learning and their own psyches while building a social connection with like-minded students. In order to foster this, Breathing Deeply has a set of guidelines to keep our educational and spiritual home optimal for everyone.

Retreat Policies
When preparing for a Breathing Deeply Program retreat or session in a live setting, all participants, including students and staff, must adhere to the following policies:

Possession of weapons, recreational drugs, and alcohol of any kind are not allowed at any time during retreats and residential hours.

Please silence all technology when in session.

No personal recording of class lectures is permitted unless specifically granted by Breathing Deeply. Sessions may be recorded by Breathing Deeply, and participants understand that these recordings may be used for promotional or teaching purposes.

Arrive on time and stay for the complete duration of the event.
The presence of individuals on-site who are not registered retreat participants must be cleared with Breathing Deeply.
Bring unscented products only for use on retreat. Body odor, including natural and applied scents, is prohibited. If asked to remove the scent, you are required to do so.

Attendance in all activities is required unless arrangements have been made with Breathing Deeply prior to class. The makeup of missed materials and hours will be required before graduation.

Be prepared for class.

Requirements for each retreat are outlined in the Student Handbook. Lack of preparation will be noted and may result in dismissal from the retreat.

Any behavior that compromises safety or detracts from the fostered retreat environment will be seen as disruptive and disciplinary action may be taken. Breathing Deeply reserves the right to take disciplinary action including, but not limited to, retreat dismissal, suspension, or dismissal from the program. No refunds will be granted to students who have been dismissed.

Please note: Intensive workshops, such as the residential retreats, can bring emotional and psychological issues to the surface. If you have in the past or are currently struggling with strong emotional problems, please email the Director at the same time as registering for the retreat so we can support your well-being and that of other participants.

Appropriate Behavior and Conduct
Breathing Deeply expects the following of faculty, students, and community in the virtual and residential classroom, training sessions, clinics, and program settings:
Communicate, behave, and listen in a courteous, respectful, compassionate and honest manner.

Act in a collegiate manner regarding the fair representation of Yoga Therapy and other health-care modalities.

Be considerate of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs of others.

Know Thyself: When we begin the study of yoga there is an inherent understanding that an individual knows, first and foremost, how to be responsible to and for oneself. Only do things that are appropriate for one’s own body and mental capabilities. This includes communicating your own needs clearly, so appropriate supports can be offered/provided.

Honor confidentiality. Anything shared in the room, stays in the room.

Honor your energy. It is okay to be alone or as inward as one wishes.

Honor your resistance; it is the opening for new growth and awareness. Look for subtle changes, not dramatic shifts.
Take responsibility for your own experience. Students are not caregivers, parents, or therapists for each other.

Support each other. Commit to using “I” statements when sharing together.

Ask questions along the way.

Keep proper boundaries with self and others, give others the space they need to be by themselves.

Refrain from sexual or sexualized behavior, including showing interest in others.

Mindful speech is expected at all times: Refrain from any behavior or speech that could be characterized as aggressive towards others or oneself. Refrain from speech that could cause harm to others, including characterizing, criticizing, or judging others or any speech that might create discontent and discord within the community.

Our students come from many different backgrounds. In order to be consistent with the approach endorsed by Breathing Deeply, please refrain from doing other practices while attending a live or residential retreat.

Please be aware that others may be resting or sleeping during breaks and after hours. Keep noise to a minimum.

Compliance and Accountability with Our Code Of Conduct
Breathing Deeply expects all those in our community including faculty, staff, clients, and students, to comply with the Code of Conduct. It is required to take responsibility for one’s own actions. Those that do not adhere to this Code will be held accountable by Breathing Deeply. Any violation of school policies may result in permanent dismissal from school.