The aim of this meditation sangha is to meditate in a way that allows us to experience the love that is the nature of all things. This is our spiritual heart, the place where we connect to consciousness and love itself.
Brandt firstly shares with us some words about love and the heart from the yoga tradition and how we can use meditation as a process to access our spiritual heart and come to a natural state of bliss and connection to all that is.
Striving to reach this place of pure consciousness and bliss is a powerful way to help us keep our momentum up when it comes to our meditation practice!
Brandt then guides us through a 40 minute meditation (starts at 8:35 mins) where we will be meditating on Om while visualizing a clear blue sky. Many traditions use this meditation technique and the reason for that is it creates space in the mind and it trains us to see the blue sky and helps us to push everything else to the side. The Oms help us to vibrate our consciousness into something more peaceful and clean.
This talk and meditation were taken directly from our virtual retreat as part of our online meditation program.
If you loved this episode, and are interested in joining our Meditation Program & attending our next live meditation retreat to meditate as a group where you will receive a new talk and be guided through three 40 minute meditations by Brandt, click here receive a free 30 day trial.
Om Shanthi
This episode covers:
Breathing Deeply is a Yoga Therapy and Meditation School, founded by lead teacher Brand Passalacqua in 2014. We hold online and in-person Yoga Therapy Foundations and IAYT accredited Advanced Programs and retreats along with Meditation Programs, including online meditation teacher training and certification and holistic weight loss with Being At Peace with Food.
Breathing Deeply is made up of an active and thriving community of yogis, caregivers, therapists, teachers, medical professionals, parents & children with the same intention—to serve others, lessen suffering, and co-create a new paradigm in wellness.
Brandt talks about common questions applicants have about the Breathing Deeply Yoga Therapy Program. Tune in to get the full program details.