Foundations Program Graduate
Advanced Program Student
C-IAYT Candidate
Yoga Therapist and Teacher
Location: Chelmsford, Massachusetts
This program has really deepened my knowledge of the muscles and how they work in asanas. I love the addition of the Joint Freeing Series to all my class offerings. I also learned many tools to help clients with asana, pranayama, chanting, yoga philosophy, and meditation to help balance their doshas and koshas.
Becoming a yoga therapist and student with Breathing Deeply was the next step in my yoga journey, as I had already completed my E-RYT 500. I love to learn. I have always perceived yoga as a therapy and chose Breathing Deeply because my friend and colleague, Ann Biese, had completed the course and spoke highly about the quality of her experience. I also liked that the foundations curriculum was self-paced with additional live synchronous experiences. In addition, financially it worked that I wouldn’t need to travel and pay for room and board to receive this training.
I really like how Brandt provides a continuous narrative rather than many teacher trainings that add in perspectives which might not align. I like Brandt’s teaching style. It is organized, systematic, practical, and honestly presented. I also like that the self-paced modules allowed me to pace myself through the program as I juggled the rest of my life.
In my personal life, Breathing Deeply brought my awareness back to the Yoga Sutras and different types of meditation. Everything about this program was incredibly valuable! This training has completely exceeded my expectations. I came to this training as an E-RYT 500 with over 6000 hours of teaching experience and 1000 hours of being a yoga trainer. I didn’t think I had much more to learn. The reality is that I learned A LOT more in this training. THANK YOU!
I am better versed in understanding how moving and breathing helps my clients. Also, the sequence of range of motion, moving and breathing, strengthening, and then stretching for a muscle condition. I love teaching the Joint Freeing Series with my clients as a warm-up. It offers many seated options for reluctant participants. (I will add that studying this helped me focus on memorizing muscle names and how they work together in a system with the protagonist and antagonist.)
I am implementing yoga therapy into my work in:
1. Pediatric mental health inpatient hospital where patients as admitted for imminent harm to self or others. I run 8 group classes a week.
2. Pediatric hospital unit for patients with cancer, blood disorders, and other conditions. I see 4-5 individual patients a week in their hospital bed.
3. Hopefully more individual private clients to come. Teens with anxiety?
I now have many more tools in my toolbox and a much better framework to think about helping clients using the Kosha and Dosha models.
Brandt talks about common questions applicants have about the Breathing Deeply Yoga Therapy Program. Tune in to get the full program details.