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About Joseph

Joseph Simek, C-IAYT, RYT500

200HR Teacher & Being At Peace With Food Teacher

Joe Simek is a C-IAYT Certified Yoga Therapist, 500-Hour Level Yoga Teacher, and Co-owner of Dragonfly Yoga Studio in Doylestown, PA. He was one of the first graduates of the Breathing Deeply Yoga Therapy Foundations and Advanced Programs.

Joe was a Foundations Program Teaching Assistant from 2017-2023. Helping shape the Teaching Assistant role for future TAs, he helped students with their coursework assignments and case studies, while assisting Brandt during Foundations retreats.

In October 2018, Joe started as the lead teacher for Breathing Deeply’s 200 Hour Teacher Training program, where he leads monthly live online sessions and reviews student assignments. He also leads weekly online sessions and reviews case studies for our Being At Peace With Food Program. Joe loves his role in helping aspiring yoga therapists!

Next Class Starts on February 11

Find out more now and begin your training. Then link up with your class cohort for discussion and community beginning. Get a jump start! The Advanced program includes the Foundations program plus additional content.