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Monthly Archives January 2025

Yoga Therapy for Children with ADHD with Dan Greene, C-IAYT

yoga therapy for children with adhd
yoga therapy for children with adhd

Welcome to episode 92 of The Breathing Deeply Yoga Therapy and Meditation podcast.

Join Brandt Passalacqua and Breathing Deeply Advanced Graduate and C-IAYT, Dan Greene for this conversation on the work Dan has done with an 8 year old girl with behavioral management issues including ADHD, anxiety and slow cognitive development. 

Learn different techniques that were given to the child to help her regulate her emotions and reactivity along with the incredible results that were achieved in just 6 months.

Connect with Dan!

Website: https://www.yogatherapy-dangreene.com/

Apply to become a Breathing Deeply Yoga Therapist: https://bit.ly/40Tyxmc

This episode covers:

  • Breathing practices prescribed for emotional regulation
  • What happens in a typical yoga therapy session with a child
  • At-home yoga therapy techniques
  • The results reported after 6 months
  • Dan’s experience as a student at Breathing Deeply

Breathing Deeply is a Yoga Therapy and Meditation School founded by lead teacher Brandt Passalacqua in 2014. Breathing Deeply offers two levels of yoga therapy certification including the Foundations of Yoga Therapy and an IAYT Accredited Advanced Program, offering C-IAYT eligibility. With many other courses, including an annual online meditation teacher training certification, Breathing Deeply is an active and thriving community of meditators and yogis, caregivers, therapists, teachers, medical professionals, parents & children with the same intention—to serve others, lessen suffering, and co-create a new paradigm in wellness.

Healing Acute Trauma: A Yoga Therapy Case Study

Deb Selm has been studying in the Breathing Deeply Advanced Yoga Therapy Program under the mentorship of Brandt Passalacqua.

In this video, Deb, a recent program graduate, shares with us how she worked with a client with acute trauma.

Are you ready to begin your yoga therapy studies and deepen your own practice? A new class will be starting soon! Check out our yoga therapy programs to learn more. 

Yoga Therapy’s Role In Getting Off Antidepressants: A Yoga Therapy Case Study

Steve Bader has been studying in the Breathing Deeply Advanced Yoga Therapy Program under the mentorship of Brandt Passalacqua.

In this video, Steve, a recent program graduate, shares with us how he worked with a client looking for support while getting off antidepressant medication.

Are you ready to begin your yoga therapy studies and deepen your own practice? A new class will be starting soon! Check out our yoga therapy programs to learn more. 

Moving Lupus Into Remission: A Yoga Therapy Case Study

Steve Bader has been studying in the Breathing Deeply Advanced Yoga Therapy Program under the mentorship of Brandt Passalacqua.

In this video, Steve, a recent program graduate, shares with us how he worked with a client with lupus.

Are you ready to begin your yoga therapy studies and deepen your own practice? A new class will be starting soon! Check out our yoga therapy programs to learn more. 

2024: A Year End Message From Brandt

Dear Breathing Deeply Students,

As 2024 comes to a close, I feel immense gratitude for spending another year with you. We are a community of remarkable individuals united by a common purpose: to connect, grow, and help through the profound practice of self-knowledge—Yoga.

Yoga teaches us to see ourselves fully by engaging the body, mind, and spirit in ways that transform us into clear-sighted beings. With this clarity, we can make choices that enhance our well-being and positively impact the world around us. This is true freedom—living with awareness, truth, and contentment rather than fear and limited awareness.

As individuals, we want this for ourselves and those around us – who wouldn’t? There is no separation for wanting this for ourselves or others. We’ve all experienced some flavors of yoga, and these insights inspire us to share its benefits. 

In some ways, this year had some darkness to it. Wars dominated the news cycles only to be usurped by divisive politics. It has done nothing for our collective health and well-being. Mental health issues keep increasing across all age groups, with children bearing much of the burden. 

We’re also seeing an acceleration in chronic diseases and syndromes. Conventional ways of combatting these issues are simply not up to the task. Healthcare systems have long overlooked the power of individual agency in shaping one’s circumstances. This isn’t surprising—most people have yet to experience the kind of personal transformation that yoga therapists witness daily. 

People are increasingly seeking ways to help themselves and their families, and we are poised to support them. We may have times of more or less faith—more or less practice—yet, as yogis, we understand personal and collective well-being is available through the wisdom and self-reflecting power of Yoga.

And so, here we are—on the edge of 2025—dedicated to mastering the art and science of yoga therapy and sharing its wisdom for the betterment of everyone. I believe we, as a community, will help alleviate much suffering in the year ahead.

Could we be in a better place at a better time? I don’t think so. 

Let’s do this thing!

Loka Samastha Sukino Bhavantu. May all beings everywhere be free and happy.


Brandt Passalacqua

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